The CORE team

CORE (Computer Science Research Energies) is a newly formed group that organise workshops on grant writing activities to help ECRs move a step closer to submitting their first grants. The group invite talks from ECRs and senior colleagues within Swansea, nationally and internationally. The group also enable new appointees at Swansea to engage with colleagues, showcase their work, and develop connections within the university and internationally. 

CORE has led and co-led several activities, including well-organised seminars and grant-writing sessions, which were recorded and made available on the Canvas computer science hub to disseminate knowledge. The group's seminars not only cover research talks but also consider challenges faced by colleagues internally in Swansea, such as understanding the REF process better or how to write 100 words of contribution in RIS.

Overall, CORE provides a platform for ECRs and others at Swansea to focus on grant writing and make decent progress on their perspective applications.